Spirit And Truth M.B.C.
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Pastor AAron B. Duncan Sr.
            There once was a flock that was lost and afraid, they wandered around without direction for days. But the Lord looked down with compassion from above and sent a good shepherd to lead them with love. The shepherd was kind, loving and wise and he cherished his whole flock no matter the color or the size. Though the shepherd was quiet humble and meek every ear listened whenever he would speak. He showed them the way to walk in the light and he prayed every day for God to give them true sight. He taught them about the blood of the Lamb and about the creator the great I AM. They flourished and they grew through the knowledge they gained about the Saviour from above who lived without blemish or stain. The flock was so thankful to the Lord up above for sending a wise leader who was so full of love. He lead them with a strong and gentle good hand and took the whole flock safely into God's Promised Land.